Health Partnership Group
The Health Partnership Group of development partners, the Ministry of Health and other Ministries aims to improve the effectiveness of external support to the health sector. It is the primary forum for developing trust, building common understanding and facilitating progress towards common systems and ways of working in the health sector, as a priority sector for government and development partners.
As an over-arching coordination forum for the health sector, the Health Partnership Group deals primarily with strategic and policy issues. Technical co-ordination takes place in its sub-groups.
The Health Partnership Group achieves quorum when each of the following groups is represented by at least one member: bilateral donors, development banks, the United Nations, Ministry of Health official at vice-ministerial level, civil society. Civil society can be represented by any of four groups: international NGOs, national NGOs, professional associations or mass organisations. Based on an open, transparent process defined by each constituency, each of these groups is invited to nominate one official representative to attend HPG meetings.
The current INGO Representatives to the Health Partnership Group are Bao Ngoc Le (Pathfinder International) and Mona Byrkit (PATH). They provide feedback from the INGO community to the group. Read the guidelines for electing the INGO Representatives to the Health Partnerships Group here.
The Health Partnership Group's objectives are to:
- Optimise the overall effectiveness of development partner support to the healthsector, including through setting priorities for the use of development assistance
- Optimise donor coordination and transparency, reduce duplication and fragmentation in the delivery of health aid
- Promote a multi-sectoral approach to achieving health goals which draws in all relevant parts of government and development partners.
The Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Health is the focal point for the Health Partnership Group.
Key documents
In October 2010 the Ministry of Health released its draft five-year health plan for 2011-15.
A worskhop in November 2010 on the draft five-year health plan considered this document by the the Joint Assessment of the National Strategies (JANS) Team: Assessment of the process and content of the five-year health development plan 2011-15