HCMC INGO Administration and Finance working group
A survey conducted by the HCMC INGO Discussion Group has identified in 2008 the need to set up a thematic group on issues related to administrative and finance procedures. HUFO also thinks it important to have an Administrators WG that meet on a regularly basis and where HUFO representative can come and share information on regulatory and administrative issues that apply to the INGOs
Purpose of the WG
The overall aim of the HCMC INGO Administrators Working Group (Admin WG) is to share information about and knowledge of Vietnamese government policies, regulatory and administrative issues related to the operations of INGOs in Vietnam. The rationale is that this group would be the venue for INGOs based in HCMC and the South of Vietnam, who do not have the resources and opportunities to contribute to or join the meetings of the Hanoi-based Admin Working Group, to meet and share experience and practice on issues concerning administration, finance and human resources.
1. Increase access to and sharing of information and resources to improve practice and operations;
2. Exchange with the Hanoi-based Administrators Working Group and contribute on topics of common interest.
Meeting, Venue and Working language
* The WG meets 4 times a year, in principle on the 2nd Friday (morning) of the 2nd month of the quarter. The frequency
and months chosen between two consecutive meetings of the HCMC INGO Discussion Group is aimed at facilitating
information and reporting to the latter.
* The WG members take turn to host the meetings, with HUFO as the alternative possibility for those organizations that do
not have enough meeting space.
* Vietnamese and English are both working languages of the Working Group. Whenever English versions of relevant
documents exist, they will be made available.
Coordination: The WG has 2 co-chairs:
Mr. Pham Minh Hong, Head of INGO Section – HUFO, Tel: (08) 3822 9780, [email protected]
Mr. Tran Quyen, Villes en Transition, Tel: (08) 3995 1781, [email protected]
Membership of the WG and Participation in its work
* As of August 2009, the WG mailing list comprises 29 people representing 18 NGOs.
* There is a big diversity of issues related to finance and procedures associated with operations of INGOs to deal with.
Therefore, although current members of the WG may comprise mostly ‘administrative staff’, the WG welcome people of
other functions and expertise proposed by their organizations to take part in the WG work or to occasionally attend its
meetings according to their interests.
* Contact person: Mr. Tran Quyen, VeT Vietnam, Tel/Fax (08) 3995 1781, [email protected]
What issues is the WG working on?
* The WG is conducting a Survey on Salary & Benefits among the INGOs based in HCMC and the South of Vietnam.
* WG members expect to invite, according to the needs, external speakers from HCMC government offices such as Tax
department, Molisa and NGORC working groups.