Foreign Lenders to Provide $224M ODA for Vietnam Province

The World Bank (WB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have pledged a combined aid of $224 million for six infrastructure projects in Vietnam’s central province of Nghe An. The WB will provide assistance for Vinh urban development project, a drainage and wastewater treatment project in Thai Hoa commune and the second phase of urban energy project. Meanwhile, the ADB is interested in a water plant expansion in Thai Hoa commune, a water leakage reduction project in Vinh City and construction of wastewater plant in western Cua Lo township. Nghe An province plan carry out these projects in the period of 2011-2015, the Dau tu newspaper reported, giving no detail on capital of these projects. The WB has financed $10.4 billion in soft loans for 93 programs and projects in Vietnam since 1993, while the ADB provided $5.38 billion in loans, $113 million in official ODA and $65 million in technical assistance to the country by end-July. (Dau tu – Investment Nov 01 p3)