A competent facilitator /trainer is required to conduct the 5 day Training of Trainers ( ToT) being organized by the CCFSC ( southern representative office) in support of MRCS and ADPC . The enclosed draft document provides more details.
They are looking for facilitators/trainers who have the following expertise:
1. A Good Trainer/Facilitator capable of training the high level government staff from the provincial PCFSC
2. Complete knowledge of the Vietnam Government disaster management ( flood and storm control ) planning system.
3. Skills to deliver session on Flood Control Storm Planning and Implementation, Public Awareness for Flood Risk Reduction as per the National CBDRM project , Integration of Flood Risk reduction into the Socio-economic development planning process at province level.
The DDMFSC is in a final stage of disseminating the official Handbook to the Mekong Delta provinces on improved flood and storm control planning . In addition, a National ToT curriculum ( in 2 parts) has also been developed and being reviewed by a core group from selected province and national key officials.
The interested person /institutions would be provided more information upon expressing their interest. Please send a confirmation mail at [email protected] and [email protected]