Consultants with UN-REDD Viet Nam Programme
01 National and 01 International consultants for Review and Evaluation of Current Benefit Distribution System Initiatives and Programmes.
01 National Consultant on Quantification of Costs Associated with a REDD+ Compliant BDS.
01 National and 01 International consultants for Design of Participatory Monitoring of REDD+ Activities and Disbursements, and of a Recourse Mechanism.
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries in Viet Nam (UN-REDD Viet Nam Programme) will address complexities of developing REDD-readiness in Viet Nam through capacity building at two levels. The Programme will build capacity at the national level to permit the Government of Viet Nam, and especially the REDD focal point, the Viet Nam Directorate of Forestry in Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, to coordinate and manage the process of establishing tools to implement a REDD programme that provides an effective, transparent and equitable system of demonstrating real and measurable reductions in emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and transferring international payments for carbon conservation to local stakeholders in relation to performance standards. It will build capacity at the local level through pilots in two districts in Lam Dong province that demonstrate effective approaches to planning and implementing measures to reduce emissions, including participatory monitoring of C-stocks, and ensure fair and equitable distribution of benefits. The UN-REDD programme will also generate information to help identify what role REDD might play in reducing regional leakage of emissions from forests.
The first activity supported by UN-REDD in Viet Nam, was to assess the needs and constraints to the establishment of a REDD+-compliant benefit distribution system (BDS). This study is part of an important cornerstone of the REDD+ readiness process in any country, and the Viet Nam study represents the first comprehensive analysis of the issues which a national REDD+ BDS would need to address. The study has reviewed elements of a REDD-compliant BDS for Viet Nam, identified the potential barriers to and constraints on such a system, identified options to overcome these barriers and constraints, and in some cases made specific recommendations. However, there are some activities that need to be included in further analyses are the identification and drafting of legal instruments, review and evaluation of current initiatives and programmes, further analyses of policy options, research on specific issues, piloting, and design of monitoring and recourse mechanisms. Therefore, The UN-REDD programme is now looking for capable candidates to perform these tasks.
Responsible UN Agency: UNDP
For further information please follow the links for Terms of References (TORs).
Address for Application
All interested national candidates are invited to submit an application letter, an updated CV and copies of relevant degrees, indicating clearly the Position Title, to the address below:
Suite 805, Artex building, 172 Ngoc Khanh st., Ha Noi
Email: [email protected]
Deadline for Submissions: By 5:00 PM, on 15 June 2010.