Consultants to Carry Out Mid-term Review

SDC is looking for consultants to carry out a Mid-Term Review for the Prevention of Domestic Violence against Women through Research, Intervention Models and Advocacy" project.
Since 2007, Swiss Agency for Development Corporation (SDC) has supported the a network of local NGOs working on women and gender issues in Vietnam by funding the project  “Prevention of Domestic Violence Against Women through Research, Intervention Models and Advocacy”.

The aim of this project was to contribute to the improvement of gender equality in Vietnam through combating domestic violence against women and HIV/AIDS transmission in Community through researches, intervention modules, influencing the development of the  legal framework on prevention and control of domestic violence and to strengthen advocacy’ capacity of GenComNet.
The project now is in the third year of its implementation. There is a need to conduct a Mid-term review of the project in order to review the progress and achievements and to improve the approach in the remaining duration of the project as well as to explore further opportunities to support the network in its advocacy and law influence roles in the coming phase if appropriate.

Objectives of the review:
The general objective of the MTR is to support project implementing agencies and donor agency
- to make a participatory assessment of past achievements and current status of the projects against its objectives and expected outputs stated in the original logical frame and to come to conclusions on the adequacy of the project design and the appropriateness of the implementation arrangement to achieve the stated objectives;
- to help the project focus on results which are realistic and achievable while still reaching the objectives defined by the project document;
- to propose necessary changes and adaptations in project scope, management and implementation arrangement; and
- to make recommendations to support advocacy work of women’s rights network in Vietnam.

Detailed information and ToR can be found on

Please send your Letter of Interest and CV to [email protected]. Deadline of application: 21 May 2010.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2010-05-21