Consultant to Formulate Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators and Process and Develop Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Methodologies for Participatory Socio-Economic Development Plan Implementation

Organization    : Plan Vietnam
Job Title        : Consultant to formulate Monitoring and Evaluation indicators and process and develop participatory monitoring and evaluation methodologies for participatory socio-economic development plan implementation
Location        : Hanoi, Ha Giang, Thai Nguyen and Quang Tri

Job purpose:
To set up proper indicators for the project communes to monitor and evaluate P-SEDP implementation; and develop participatory monitor and evaluation methodologies that would be used by project communes to carry out participatory M & E process for P-SEDP implementation. The specific tasks and outputs would be:
Task 1: Review the P-SEDP for 2010 of the project communes to develop guidelines for set up suitable key indicators to monitor and evaluate P-SEDP that will track P-SEDP and demonstrate the pro-poorness in planning as well as implementation;
Output 1: The partners of the project communes and districts would understand on principles of setting up and be able to set up suitable key indicators to monitor and evaluate P-SEDP implementation.
Task 2: Facilitate for conducting participatory workshops and trainings for relevant authorities and local staff who would be involved in M & E of P-SEDP, and then they be followed up and continued engagement to ensure that commitments are made and translated in action;
Output 2: The partners of the project communes and districts would be able to carry out M & E process for P-SEDP implementations and poverty reductions.
Task 3: To develop a mechanism and methodologies for participatory monitoring and evaluation frameworks that will help the project and partners to organize participatory M & E process and that would serve for increasing the quality of P-SEDP implementation and process as well as poverty reduction tasks.
Output 3: The partners at commune level can carry out participatory M & E methodologies that serve for P-SEDP process and poverty reduction. At least, in each project province a project commune would be successfully piloted for participatory M & E methodologies.

The consultant team should consist of one team leader and one member. They should have the following qualifications to effectively carry out the proposed tasks:
At least 7 years of experience working in development sectors;
    Post graduate degree/ Bachelors degree in statistic, economics, development studies or relevant fields;
    Experience in developing database and information for project/program or for SEDP;
Experience in developing M & E indicators and work-frames;
Experience in developing participatory M&E methodologies;
    Familiarity with results-based management concepts and logical framework approach;
    At least 5 years of experience in providing training for adults, with fluent skills in using capacity-based and participatory oriented training methods
Knowledge on report writing

Organization/Project Overview.
Plan International is an international humanitarian, child development-focused organization without religious, political or governmental affiliation. Plan's vision is of a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies which respect people's rights and dignity. Working with children, their families, and communities in 50 program countries, Plan is one of the world’s largest international development organizations, committed to the well being of children and supporting the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Plan has been in Vietnam since 1993, works in long term partnership with local people, organizations, and government bodies at all levels.
The Pro-Poor Participatory Development Project (PPDP) was developed as a continuation of the three year Grassroots Democracy Decree (GDD) Project. PPDP project will work with local authorities on increasing capacity to support inclusive planning and facilitate better engagement in socio-economic planning and implementation between local authorities and villagers in target communes and villages.
Through its interventions, the project seeks to influence the Social Economic Development Plans to become more pro-poor in term of planning and implementation. 

The project overall objective is:
The marginalized groups (the children, poor and ethnic minorities) shall receive preferential access to quality services (i.e. all citizens are equally able to influence change in resource mobilization and utilization through participatory SEDP).

How to Apply:
The consultant(s) or consultancy companies who are interesting in taking these consultancy works please submit the proposal for providing the works (including outlined time, frameworks and detailed methodologies for completing the tasks, expecting consultant fee, logistic and others) along with the individual consultant’s C.Vs to:

Human Resources Department – Plan in Vietnam
10th Floor, 72 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: [email protected] ;
and Cc to: [email protected] and [email protected]

Only short-listed consultant groups will be contacted for making a contract.

For more information about Plan, please visit their website:

Deadline: 09 November 2009.
Pls download the attached TOR for more details.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Plan in Vietnam
Ha Noi, Ha Giang, Thai Nguyen and Quang Tri
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2009-11-09