Climate Change Working Group meeting
This is Climate Change Working Group - Core and Thematic Group Meeting. The detail agenda is as bellow:
1.Review minutes and action points from last meeting March 2010
2.Updates from the thematic groups - Feedback on plans and sub group leaders:
- ABC on the journalist works, dialogue with WB on matrix
- Mitigation on the new plan
- Adaptation on mainstreaming guidelines
3.Updates of the Capacity Building program: TOT training, planning workshop for year 2
4.Updates of the policy dialogues by JICA and donors on NTP RCC
5.Participation by CCWG members and representatives in national and international events
- Workshop on cooperation between NGOs and Government
- Earth Hour campaign by Live and Learn
- WB Innovation Day
- 4th International CBA conference and announcement of 5th International CBA Conference
6.Other business and upcoming events