Application of Science & Technology for Occupational Villages Development
The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) presents its compliments to the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in India and invites nominations for participation in an International Workshop titled ‘Application of Science & Technology for Occupational Villages Development’ being organised by the Centre at Hanoi, Vietnam during 2-5 August 2010 in association with the Department for International Cooperation (ICD) of the Ministry of Science & Technology (MoST), Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Centre for Regional Research and Development (CRD), Hanoi. The workshop is being organised to discuss the current status, opportunities and trends of industrialisation and employment generation in villages and creation, innovation and management of micro-enterprises in rural areas through the application of science and technology. It is open for participation by technology policy makers, technology developers, technology transfer professionals, rural entrepreneurs and officials from relevant government departments, universities and ministries, including those engaged in the field of the development of occupational villages and similar mechanisms in developing countries.
Request for participation in this event may please be sent to the NAM S&T Centre (E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]) by completing the Nomination Form, a copy of which is appended to the attached Announcement brochure (also available on the Centre’s website The selection will be strictly on merit, quality of the extended abstract of the presentation material of the participant to be submitted along with the completed Nomination Form and on first come first basis. English will be the official language of the international workshop.
Free local hospitality, including accommodation, meals and local transport will be provided from Sunday, 1st August (1200 noon) to Friday, 6th August 2010 (1200 noon) (i.e. commencing from one day before the Workshop and for an additional day after its conclusion). However, it may be noted that while the NAM S&T Centre reimburses the to and fro international fare to the scientists from its member countries to attend the Centre’s scientific events organised anywhere in the world, your scientists will have to make their own arrangement for the international travel to Hanoi and also pay to the Centre a Processing Fee of US$350 each to partly offset the expenditure incurred by the Centre in holding this scientific event.
The last date for submission of applications is 2nd July 2010.
A copy of the brochure may please be sent to the Office of International Programs, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences.
The NAM S&T Centre avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in New Delhi the assurances of its highest consideration.