Agent Orange

Agent Orange Working Group


This is Agent Orange Working Group meeting. The agenda is below:

9.00:      Introduction / Gioi thieu

9.10:      Danang Airport Environmental Remediation Project  / Gioi thieu ve du an tay rua moi truong tai san bay Danang

Presenter/ Co quan Trinh bay:  USAID

9.50:      Results of project “Community-based-rehabilitation for people exposed to AO” / Ket qua du an Phuc hoi chuc nang dua vao cong dong cho nguoi nhiem chat doc da cam

Agent Orange Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of Agent Orange Working Group. The topic of the meeting is sharing information about the research on Steroid Hormone Levels in the Saliva of Lactating Vietnamese Mothers (Attached are the two articles of the researchers on the international newspapers) and the risk communication to reduce the risk of dioxin exposure for local residents living at dioxin hot spots.

Two speakers are:

1)      Dr. Dang Duc Nhu M.D., Ph.D. Lecturer and Researcher, Department of Epidemiology and 10-80 Division, Hanoi Medical University

2)      Ms. Tran Thi Tuyet Hanh, MPH, BSc. Lecturer, Environmental Health Department of Hanoi School of Public Health (HSPH)

Agent Orange Working Group meeting


This is the last meeting of Agent Orange Working Group in 2011.  The topic of the meeting is to discuss about the findings of the annual meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee on Agent Orange which took place in Sept, 2011.

Two speakers are:

1) Eric Frater,  Second Secretary
Environment, Science, Technology & Health Office
Embassy of the United States of America Hanoi, Vietnam

2)Dr Vu Chien Thang, Vice Director General, Committee 33

Further information, please contact the Group Co-chairs: Ms Thao Griffths and Ms. Catherine Ganley at [email protected] and [email protected]


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