Want to make a positive difference to the future of people and our one shared home - the Earth? Working at WWF could be your opportunity of a lifetime.
All around the world, people are waking up to the deepening crisis of nature loss. A growing realization that nature is our life-support system. And that nobody will be spared from the impacts of its loss. Here at WWF, we are helping to tackle this enormous global challenge.
World Vision International (WVI) USA - Representative Office in Vietnam (here in after referred to as WVI) is looking for consultant to develop questionnaire and coaching for local collaborator on Home Visiting. Please find the detailed Terms of Reference for more information and help to forward to people who may interest
Interested consultants are invited to send the application package to the email address: [email protected] - People & Culture Department
Orbis International is a nonprofit global development organization dedicated to saving sight worldwide. Our mission is to preserve and restore sight by strengthening the capacity of local institutions in their efforts to prevent and treat blindness. Our goal is a world in which no one is needlessly blind, where quality eye care is available to everyone. Since 1982, ORBIS has treated and transformed the lives of more than 10 million people in 87 countries.
Orbis has been working in Vietnam since 1996, supporting the country’s efforts to prevent and treat avoidable blindness, especially among children, marginalized rural communities, and people with diabetes. Orbis established a permanent office in Vietnam in 2003.
Save the children is seeking for a consulting Team to Review and Update the Inclusive Education Methodology Support Document for Students with Special Needs and Provide Training for Key Primary School Teachers on Inclusive Education - Support Tools for Students with Special Needs (SNAP) for children with disabilities and learning difficulties in Lao Cai Province. Please find the TOR attached for more information.
Candidates submit application including the following documents:
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, hereinafter referred to as UN Women hereby invites prospective vendors to submit proposals to conduct a study on gender in social protection in Viet Nam in accordance with the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents, including General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and the Terms of Reference as set out in this RFP