VN011 National consultant to facilitate organization of webinar workshop on Multi Drug Resistance for TB (MDRTB) to the National TB program (NTP) Viet Nam
Viet Nam is among the 30 countries globally with the highest TB burden, with an estimated incidence of 182 cases per 100,000 and MDR/RR-TB is 9.1 cases per 100,000 population (WHO TB report 2019). The estimated proportion of TB cases with MDR/RR-TB was 3.6 % among new TB cases and 17 % among previously treated cases. The estimated number of MDR/RR-TB cases among notified pulmonary TB cases was about 4,900 (3,800-6,000), with a rate of successful treatment for MDRTB of 68 % (2016).
Fauna & Flora International (FFI) is seeking a team of two national experts to complete A Project Document for the gazettment of Tung Vai Special Use Forest. For more details, please see here. Interested candidates are invited to send their CVs and cover letter to Ms. Le Hong Viet, email: [email protected] by 20th May 2020.
LOCATION: Tan An City, Long An province & HCMC, Vietnam
Zero Plastic Waste City is a program that enables sustainable municipal waste management systems based on a modular social business approach that will result in the creation of the ZPWC social business. The social business in Tan An (Vietnam) will be initiated by Grameen Creative Lab (GCL) in partnership with, and sponsored by, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW).