The USAID Governance for Inclusive Growth (GIG) Program aims to assist Vietnam’s efforts to achieve sustainable and equitable economic growth by working with the Government of Vietnam, its private sector, and civil society organizations to maintain the momentum in expanding market reforms, institutional modernization, and global integration in trade. Further, the Program strives to ensure that growth reaches all segments of Vietnam’s population by implementing targeted initiatives to address the unique challenges faced by historically disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, as well as to empower women.
ActionAid Vietnam is looking for candidate to fill the post of Women’s Rights Project Officer Consultant. Please find the attached ToR for further information.
Written application letter in English together with full curriculum vitae should be sent to [email protected] by 02 August 2016 (please indicate subject as: Application for the post of Women’s Rights Project Officer Consultant)
SNV Vietnam is looking for 02 Drivers, based in Hanoi with frequent travels to other provinces (one full time and one part time contract)
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.
GIZ Office Hanoi is looking to recruit the 02 positions of Programme Officer:
1. For Integrated Coastal Management Programme_ICMP, based in Soc Trang province; 2. For Better Rice Initiative Asia_BRIA, based in Ho Chi Minh city.
Please find more information in the attached announcement.
Applications should be submitted to [email protected]) or by post (to GIZ Office Hanoi, 6th Floor Hanoi Towers, 49 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hanoi, Vietnam), before August 02 2016.
UNDP seeks 01 National Legal Consultant on Policy Impact Assessment for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement and the (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions ((I)NDC).
The objective of the assignment is to carry out a policy impacts assessment of the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the (I)NDC. The implementation of the Paris Agreement is in effect the implementation of the Viet Nam (I)NDC which cover all aspects of mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation.
Vietnam Forests and Deltas Program is looking for 01 National Forestry expert and 01 Economic expert to conduct research, review and provide recommendation for piloting policy on payment for forest environmental services from Industrial enterprises in Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh provinces. For more details, please see the vacancy announcement attached.
The applicants are selected basing on competition. Interested applicants should send their letter of application and CV to both VFD and VNFF at below addresses:
ACDC (Action to the Community Development Center) is a local NGO with a legal status working to empower communities of people with disabilities and other mariganized groups (ethnic minority and women)
We are seeking to recruit 1 trainer of TOT with details as attached file.
Applications should be sent to Ms. Luong Minh Tam (Email: [email protected])