The Oxfam GB in Viet Nam seeks 01 national consultant working on PIM (Participatory Irregrated Manegement) of the project “Empowerment of Raglai community through livelyhoods and market intervention” implementing in Bac Ai district, Ninh Thuan provice.
The objectives of the work are: - To evaluate the current situation of the irrigation schemes in two communes of Phuoc Tan and PhuocTien; - The water-used groups are established and trained on PIM. - Regulation of using water which approved by CPC (commune people committee) and applied by community effectively; - Training courses on PIM for local authorities are provided. - PIM is accepted and applied by DARD in Ninh Thuan.
Family Health International (FHI) in Vietnam manages a diverse and expanding portfolio of public health and development programming, capacity building, and research. With funding support from USAID and the CDC, FHI is a partner of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), focusing on capacity building in HIV prevention, care, and treatment for most-at-risk populations. FHI also supports the Ministry of Health and local research organizations in a variety of research projects and clinical trials in the areas of HIV, malaria, avian influenza, and nutrition. We are also expanding into other diverse areas such as drug treatment and addictions counseling, tobacco control, and laboratory strengthening.
Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, an Australian based international development agency supporting partnerships for women’s empowerment, improvement of living standards for vulnerable people and trade union & labor-based programs in Vietnam.
APHEDA is now seeking qualified candidates to the following positions of 1) Project officer for Trade Union Development and 2) Administrator cum Accountant.
1. Project officer for Trade Union Development: Tasks and Responsibilities:
Médecins du Monde France (MDMF) is a French humanitarian organization. Operating in Vietnam since 1989, MDMF provides comprehensive HIV/AIDS services, ranging from prevention, VCT, to treatment, care and support, and OVC programs in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
MdM HIV program is currently implemented from 1 outpatient clinic (OPC) in Hanoi (Tay Ho District) and 2 OPC in Ho Chi Minh City (District 6 and District 9). From January 2010, a 4th OPC aiming at providing community and a 06 centre (06C) residents with HIV/AIDS quality services will open in Hanoi’s Soc Son district.
MdMF is seeking a qualified Vietnamese national applicant to join their dynamic team in Hanoi in the role of Project Officer, Public Health (POPH)
The Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural development (IPSARD) was established in 2005 by the Goverment of S.R. Viet Nam. IPSARD acts as the only think tank of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development. IPSARD's functions are doing research and providing information and consultancy services on agriculture markets and commodities, rural development, sectoral policies and strategies, resource management and environment protection. Science and International cooperation Division under IPSARD is looking for experienced and qualified Vietnamese candidates for 02 position of International cooperation officer. The job description and requirements are: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION OFFICER
The UN in Viet Nam seeks 01 International consultant and 01 national consultant (working as a team) for conduction an external mid-term review of the project “Strengthening the Capacity of Viet Nam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA)”.
The objective of the work is to conduct an external mid-term review to assess the VUSTA project performance since its inception and, more importantly, to identify the focus areas for project intervention in the years to come, taking into account recent developments influencing civil society in Viet Nam. The evaluation should go beyond the assessment of project activities and be geared as much as possible to project contributions to the desired changes of VUSTA and of civil society in general.
Workplace-Based Prevention & Employment & Supportive Services for High-Risk Individuals in Vietnam Scope of Work MAPPING OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTERS
Position: Mapping Services Consultant Proposed Consultant: TBD Estimated Level of Effort: 30 days Estimated Dates: 30 work days in Hanoi commencing about Jan 30 – March 15, 2010
World Vision Vietnam (WVV) invites competent Vietnamese candidates for the position: Urban ADP Manager (1 position) based in Ho Chi Minh City.
ADP (Area Development Program) is an approach to child focused development, emphasizing the process of community participation, sustainability, and integrating activities in the areas of food security, agriculture, micro-enterprise, health, nutrition, education, water, and sanitation.
Main Responsibilities: - The position supports World Vision Vietnam in leading an UADP team, by applying an integrated approach to community development, emphasizing the process of community participation, ownership, and sustainability, while also addressing the root causes of poverty.
The UN in Viet Nam seeks 01 International consultant and 01 national consultant to deliver Gender Mainstreaming Training for UN staff in Viet Nam.
Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment is part of the UN mandate and is recognized as essential to achieve positive development outcomes. In 2009, the UN Country Team adopted a Gender Mainstreaming Strategy (2009-2011), to strengthen the capacity of the UN n Viet Nam to support national priorities for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The Strategy aims to increase awareness and capacity of UN staff to undertake gender mainstreaming as well as to strengthen gender mainstreaming in One Plan implementation.
Overall Responsibilities The Project Manager will assist the Director of Program Evaluation/Quality Assurance in the development and implementation of the project and serve as liaison to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Vietnamese government partners.
Specific Responsibilities 1. Serve as liaison between local and Boston-based HAIVN staff, CDC office in Vietnam, and Vietnamese government partners (LIFEGAP and PAC of HCMC) 2. Work with CDC and Vietnamese partners to coordinate and schedule site visits 3. Lead site visits for HAIVN evaluation team 4. Oversee translation and production of the data collection instruments 5. Supervise data collection and assure quality